Germany’s Turks start voting in critical Turkish elections

By Ayhan Uyanik and Friederike Heine

MUNICH (Reuters) – Turkish citizens based in Germany began voting on Thursday in Turkey’s presidential and parliamentary elections, which represent the biggest electoral challenge for President Tayyip Erdogan, who lags in opinion polls, in two decades in power.

Germany is home to the world’s largest Turkish diaspora and some 1.5 million Turkish citizens there, who in the past have shown strong support for Erdogan and his conservative AK party (AKP), are eligible to vote ahead of the elections on May 14 in Turkey.

“We have to use our right to vote for the sake of Turkey´s future,” said Feridun Sahin as he cast his ballot at the Turkish consulate in Munich.

Polling stations have also been set up in Berlin, Frankfurt, Cologne and other towns and cities, according to Turkey’s High Election Board.

Some voters see the election as a potential turning point for how the country is governed after a deep cost of living crisis and collapse of the lira currency, as well as a test of a 2017 referendum that gave Erdogan near unchecked authority and significantly weakened parliament.

Turkish voter Umur Saman urged fellow citizens in Germany to take part.

“They live in Europe, they see the circumstances in Europe and they also see the road Turkey is taking. If they want the benefits they get here in Germany to be the standards in Turkey as well, they have to take responsibility for their country and use their right to vote,” he said.

Kemal Goktepe, another voter at the Munich consulate said: “President Erdogan wants to continue his presidential system. So it’s a decision: we believe the system is not entirely democratic.”

Germany’s Turkish diaspora comprises around 2.3 million people, according to the Turkish Community in Germany. Many do not hold German citizenship.

The elections will take place three months after powerful earthquakes struck Turkey’s southeast, killing tens of thousands and leaving millions homeless. Erdogan has faced criticism for his handling of the disaster.

Turkish voters in Germany have until May 9 to submit ballots.

(Reporting by Ayhan Uyanik, Writing by Friederike Heine, Editing by Rachel More, Alexandra Hudson)


