Bloomberg Business

Japan Military Seeks Record Budget as Threats in Region Mount

Japan’s Defense Ministry is seeking a record budget for the next fiscal year as the pacifist country is set to have some of the highest military spending in the world, with questions remaining as to how the government will finance the surge.

Xochitl Galvez to Fight AMLO’s Party for Mexico Presidency

Mexico’s opposition coalition is set to choose Xochitl Galvez as its presidential candidate to the 2024 election, pitting the strong-willed senator against a yet-to-be-named representative from the powerful ruling party of Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador.

Iran Uranium Near Bomb-Grade Is Focus of Atomic Watchdog Report

Iran is slowing the rate at which it’s stockpiling near weapons-grade uranium, the UN nuclear watchdog is expected conclude next month, adding to an easing of Persian Gulf tensions that’s already seen Tehran and Washington discuss the release of prisoners and more oil pour onto global markets.