Finland’s Prime Minister Marin Unseated by Pro-Business Party

A pro-business opposition group unseated Prime Minister Sanna Marin in Finland’s close parliamentary elections, paving the way for tough wrangling to form a new government in the northernmost euro area member.

(Bloomberg) — A pro-business opposition group unseated Prime Minister Sanna Marin in Finland’s close parliamentary elections, paving the way for tough wrangling to form a new government in the northernmost euro area member.

National Coalition leader Petteri Orpo, 53, is on track to become prime minister, having taken 48 seats in Sunday’s election. The far-right Finns Party won 46 of the parliament’s 200 seats, leaving the millennial leader’s Social Democrats in third place with 43 seats.

The outcome mirrors the shift in neighboring Sweden where a more inward-looking and fiscally conservative government, led by the Moderate Party, took power from the Social Democrats last year and an extreme anti-immigrant force surged in popularity.

Bond investors are set to welcome the results as big swings related to Finland-specific developments are now unlikely, Jan von Gerich and Juho Kostiainen, analysts at Nordea Bank Abp, said in a note. The next four years will likely bring a tighter fiscal stance, they said.

The result sets the stage for difficult talks between the top three parties on who will form the core of the next cabinet. As a rule, the party with the most seats gets the first attempt to form a ruling coalition — and cabinets can even be formed by parties from opposite sides of the political spectrum if they manage to agree on a joint policy program.

The formal negotiations can kick off after the election of a parliament speaker April 12 and are set to take weeks, if not months.

Orpo has two main options for forging a coalition. One alternative is to work with Marin’s party, and another to reach out to Riikka Purra’s nationalist Finns Party.

Having overseen the finance, interior and agriculture portfolios in two governments, Orpo has led his party since 2016. He’s also known to enjoy fishing and spending time at his century-old cottage with no running water and little electricity.

While he could agree with Marin on an ambitious climate policy, their big differences lie on the fiscal side. The issue is a priority for Orpo, who has been a vocal critic of how Marin’s government has managed public finances.

“We must fix our economy,” Orpo told reporters. “We are a clear alternative to the left-wing government. People are very worried about the economy.”

The National Coalition has pledged to reduce expenditure by €6 billion ($6.5 billion), an amount calculated by the Finance Ministry that compares with the state budget of about €83.5 billion. During the campaign, Marin rejected spending cuts.

It’s also questionable how well the two leaders get along, with Marin appearing to make jabs at Orpo throughout the pre-election debates.

Second Option

With the Finns, the election winner is broadly in agreement on economic policy, but strongly at loggerheads on immigration and climate policies. The National Coalition wants to lure more workers into Finland, a policy rejected by the anti-immigration party. On climate, the Finns Party has channeled the vote of those who think too much fuss is being made of reducing emissions.

“My party has succeeded in defining the exact problems of the state at the moment and succeeded in offering a clear alternative to combat them,” Purra said, singling out public finances, internal security and the government’s energy and climate policies.

Putting together a cabinet with the Finns Party would also be complicated by a refusal of many to work with the anti-immigrant force, leaving open whom Orpo would persuade to join in to ensure a majority. The Center Party of Finance Minister Annika Saarikko was the election’s biggest loser, and the party is likely to spend the next four years in opposition, she indicated.

The talks “are certain to be quite difficult,” Orpo told reporters. “That said, the only way forward is through cooperation. There are big differences between the top three parties, and there’s a lot to work out.”

More Prudence

With Marin’s SDP being the only one in her five-party left-leaning cabinet to add seats, the result shows Finnish voters wanted to see more prudence in fiscal policy. 

Under her government, Finland’s public debt jumped by about €40 billion to about €195 billion last year, fueled by borrowings to tackle fallout from the pandemic, Russia’s war in Ukraine and the energy crisis. About a quarter of the total debt growth isn’t explained by those crises.

Still, Marin has widespread support, stemming from her handling of both the pandemic and the fallout of the war, which led to Finland’s bid to join NATO. She has garnered international fame as head of a cabinet led solely by women, with the 37-year-old premier’s personal lifestyle drawing in young voters. 

Late on Sunday, Marin congratulated the election’s “other winners,” mentioning both the National Coalition and the Finns Party, but stopping short of conceding defeat.

“Finnish people have cast their votes,” she said. “A celebration of democracy is always magnificent.”

–With assistance from Jane Pong and Philip Tabuas.

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