NYSE Glitch Caused by Manual Error in Disaster Recovery Program

The New York Stock Exchange said a manual error caused wild price swings and trading halts for hundreds of company stocks when the market opened on Tuesday.

(Bloomberg) — The New York Stock Exchange said a manual error caused wild price swings and trading halts for hundreds of company stocks when the market opened on Tuesday.

The root cause of the issue, which the exchange operator says has been resolved, was tied to the company’s so-called “disaster recovery configuration” at the start of the day. Over 1,300 trades and some 84 stocks were impacted and marked as “aberrant,” NYSE said in an updated statement on its website. 

Banks, retailers and industrial companies were among those affected in yesterday’s technical issue, including Wells Fargo & Co., McDonald’s Corp., Walmart Inc. and Morgan Stanley. The error resulted in some gyrations that spanned almost 25 percentage points between the high and low prices in a matter of minutes.

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