35,000 Unexpected Deaths in England, Wales as NHS Buckles 

England and Wales had one of the worst years for deaths in more than a decade, throwing a spotlight on the crisis engulfing the National Health Service. Almost 35,000 more people died in 2022 than normal, with excess deaths climbing in the last three weeks of the year amid a surge in flu and pneumonia cases, official figures show. The findings will pile further pressure on Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s government over its handling of the NHS as people wait longer than ever for ambulances and emer

(Bloomberg) — England and Wales had one of the worst years for deaths in more than a decade, throwing a spotlight on the crisis engulfing the National Health Service. Almost 35,000 more people died in 2022 than normal, with excess deaths climbing in the last three weeks of the year amid a surge in flu and pneumonia cases, official figures show. The findings will pile further pressure on Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s government over its handling of the NHS as people wait longer than ever for ambulances and emergency treatments in hospitals.

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