China calls for ‘concrete’ roadmap for two-state solution to solve Gaza conflict

BEIJING (Reuters) – China on Thursday called on the United Nations Security Council to formulate a timetable and roadmap for a two-state solution to achieve a comprehensive, just and lasting settlement of the Palestinian issue.

The proposal was laid out in a position paper on the Gaza conflict released by the Chinese foreign ministry, and as China took over the rotating presidency of the Security Council for November.

The Security Council needs to intensify its diplomatic mediation, relaunch the two-state solution and convene a “more authoritative and effective” international peace conference as soon as possible, the paper said.

It urged the 15-member council to heed the general call of the international community for a “comprehensive ceasefire” to stop the fighting.

Since the start of hostilities, China has refrained from condemning Hamas, but instead called for a ceasefire and sought for a “two-state solution” for an independent Palestinian state.

(Reporting by Liz Lee and Shanghai newsroom; Editing by Jamie Freed and Gerry Doyle)
