DeepMind Alum Wants to Use AI to Speed the Development of Green Materials

Novel materials for everything from wind turbines to carbon capture could help cut emissions. A small but growing numberĀ of startups want to use AI to develop them faster.

(Bloomberg) — Ever since ChatGPT went viralĀ last fall, companiesĀ have touted many ways artificial intelligence can make ourĀ lives easier. Theyā€™ve promised superhuman virtual assistants, tutors, lawyers and doctors.

What about a superhuman chemical engineer?

London-based startupĀ Orbital Materials would like to create just that. The startup is working to applyĀ generative AI ā€” the method behind tools like ChatGPT ā€” expresslyĀ forĀ accelerating the development ofĀ clean energyĀ technologies. Essentially, the idea is to make computer models powerful and sharp enough to identify the best formulas for products like sustainable jet fuel or batteries free of rare-earth minerals.

Jonathan Godwin, anĀ Orbital Materials co-founder, imagines a system thatā€™s as accessible and effective as the software engineers use today to model designs for things likeĀ airplane wings and household furniture.

ā€œThat, historically, has just been too difficult for molecular science,ā€ he said.Ā 

ChatGPT works because itā€™s adept at predicting text ā€”Ā hereā€™s the next word or sentence that makes sense. For the same idea to work in chemistry, an AI system would need to predict how a new molecule would behave, not just in a lab but in the real world.

Several researchers and companies have deployedĀ AI to hunt for newer, greener materials. Symyx Technologies, a materials discovery company formed in 1990s, wound down after a sale. More recentĀ companies have gained traction makingĀ petrochemical alternatives and programming cells.Ā 

Still, for many materials needed to decarbonize the planet, the technology isnā€™tĀ there yet.

It canĀ take decadesĀ for a new advanced material to move from discovery to the market. That timeline is way too slow for the businesses and nations looking to rapidly cut emissions as they race to meetĀ net zero targets.Ā 

ā€œThat needs to happen in the next 10 years, or sooner,ā€ said Aaike van Vugt, co-founder of material science startup VSParticle.Ā 

AI researchers think they can help.Ā Before launching Orbital Materials, Godwin spent three years researching advanced material discovery atĀ DeepMind, Googleā€™s AI lab. That lab releasedĀ AlphaFold, a model to predict protein structures that could speed up the search for new drugs and vaccines.Ā That, coupled with the rapidĀ takeoff of tools like ChatGPT, convinced him that AI would soon be capable of conquering the material world.Ā 

ā€œWhat I thought would take 10 years was happening in a matter of 18 months,ā€ he said. ā€œThings are getting better and better and better.ā€

Godwin comparesĀ his method withĀ Orbital Materials toĀ AI image generators like Dall-E and Stable Diffusion. Those models are created using billions of online images so that when users type in a text prompt, a photorealistic creation appears. Orbital Materials plans to trainĀ models with loads of data on the molecular structure ofĀ materials. Type in some desired property and material ā€”Ā say, an alloy that can withstand very high heat ā€”Ā and the model spits out a proposed molecular formula.Ā 

In theory, this approach is effective because it can both imagine new molecules and measure howĀ they will work, said Rafael Gomez-Bombarelli, an assistant professor at MIT, who advisedĀ Orbital Materials. (He said he is not an investor.)

Right now, many tech investors are prowling for companies that can turn a profit byĀ improving greener material production.Ā Thatā€™s particularly the case in Europe, where regulators are forcing manufacturers to lower carbon emissions or face stiff fines. The markets for advanced materials in sectors like renewable energy, transportation and agriculture are set toĀ grow by tens of billions of dollars in the coming years.Ā 

Some researchers, like those at the University of Toronto, have set up ā€œself-driving labsā€ that pair AI systems with robots to search for new materials at unparalleled speeds. Dutch startup VSParticle makes machinery used to develop components for gas sensors and green hydrogen.

Think of it like aĀ DNA sequencer in a genomics lab, said co-founder van Vugt,Ā who believes his equipment can help shorten the 20-year time horizon of advanced materials to one year, and, eventually,Ā ā€œa couple of months.ā€ His company is currently raising investment capital.

Orbital Materials, which raised $4.8 million in previously undisclosed initial funding, is planning to start withĀ turning its AI gaze towardĀ carbon capture. The startup is working on an algorithmic model that designsĀ molecular sieves, orĀ tiny pellets installedĀ within a device that can sift CO2 and other noxious chemicals from other emissions,Ā more efficiently than current methods.Ā (Godwin said the startup, which has several AI researchers, plans to publish peer-reviewed results on this tech soon.) Carbon capture has failed to work at scale to date, though thanks to a slew of government incentives, particularly in the US, interest in deploying the technology is rapidly ramping up.Ā 

Eventually, Godwin said Orbital Materials would like toĀ move into areas like fuel and batteries. He imagines mirroring theĀ business model ofĀ synthetic biology and drug discovery companies: develop the brainpower, then license out the software or novel materials to manufacturers. ā€œItā€™s going to take us a little bit of time to get to market,” said Godwin. “But once youā€™re there, it happens very quickly.ā€

But getting the AI right is only half the battle. Actually making advanced materialsĀ in areas like battery and fuel production requires working with huge incumbent enterprises and messy supply chains. This can be even costlier than developing new drugs,Ā argued MITā€™s Gomez-Bombarelli.Ā 

ā€œThe economics and de-risking make it just way harder,ā€ he said.

Heather Redman, a managing partner with Flying Fish Partners, which backedĀ Orbital Materials, said most tech investors chasing the shiny penny of generative AI have failed to look at its applications outside of chatbots.Ā She acknowledged the risks of startups working in the energy sector, butĀ believesĀ the $1 trillion potential of markets like batteries and carbon capture are worth the investing risk.Ā 

ā€œWe love big hills as long as thereā€™s a big gigantic market and opportunity at the top,ā€ she said.Ā 

Gomez-Bombarelli is aware how big these hills can be. He helped start a similar company to Orbital Materials in 2015, calledĀ Calculario, which used AI and quantum chemistry to speed up the discovery process for a range ofĀ new materials.Ā It didnā€™t get enough traction and had to focus on the OLED industry.

ā€œMaybe we didnā€™t make our case,ā€ he said. ā€œOr maybe the market wasnā€™t ready.ā€Ā 

Whether it is now is an open question. But there are encouraging signs.Ā Computing certainly has improved. Newcomers might also have an easier time selling AI because would-be customers could more easily graspĀ the potential. Gomez-Bombarelli said the pitch is relatively simple:Ā ā€œLook at ChatGPT. WeĀ can do the same thing for chemistry.ā€Ā 

(Updates with additional information about Orbital Materialsā€™ business model and quote from Godwin in paragraph 19.)

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